I’m having a problem with an 0.92 testing install. I am tailing the /opt/openmrs/log/openmrs.log file. As I’m navigating around the bahmni application I’m getting a lot of these errors.
[WARN ] HibernateConceptDAO - No concept found for 'REGISTRATION_CONCEPTS'
[WARN ] HibernateConceptDAO - Multiple concepts found for '<concept>'
The second one is trouble some because it is causing data to not populate in certain parts of the app (vital signs on the visit page). Searching through the concept dictionary, there is only one of each of those concepts, but there are some similar named concepts: SPO2 and SPO2 Abnormal. It’s almost like the getConceptbByName method is not do a STRICT search, so it is returning anything that is similar to the name being searched (SPO2, RR, Height, Weight) Or am I missing something and there are truly extra concepts that aren’t showing up in the Concept Dictionary search in openmrs but are conflicting with this.
Also, how is REGISTRATION_CONCEPTS supposed to be configured?
here is an example from the Visit Details page
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1739) |2020-03-12 10:51:26,938| No concept found for 'REGISTRATION_CONCEPTS'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,408| Multiple concepts found for 'Bahmni Diagnosis Status'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,880| Multiple concepts found for 'Patient file'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,892| Multiple concepts found for 'Radiology'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,904| Multiple concepts found for 'Lab Manager Notes'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,916| Multiple concepts found for 'Accession Uuid'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,928| Multiple concepts found for 'Impression'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,928| Multiple concepts found for 'Pulse'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,939| Multiple concepts found for 'Diastolic'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,950| Multiple concepts found for 'Systolic'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,962| Multiple concepts found for 'Temperature'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,969| Multiple concepts found for 'Follow-up Condition'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,975| Multiple concepts found for 'RR'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:27,993| Multiple concepts found for 'Height'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:28,003| Multiple concepts found for 'WEIGHT'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:28,016| Multiple concepts found for 'Order Attributes'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:28,157| Multiple concepts found for 'Order Attributes'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:28,161| Multiple concepts found for 'Bahmni Diagnosis Status'
WARN - HibernateConceptDAO.getConceptByName(1741) |2020-03-12 10:51:28,189| Multiple concepts found for 'Bahmni Diagnosis Revised'