Moving O3 Dev Guide to Wiki

This is a “working out loud” thread:

I’m currently transferring the O3 Dev Guide to the OMRS Wiki. This content is currently here in a gitbook, editable only by people familiar with editing gitbooks.

You can see the Work-in-Progress here:

A few key notes/to-do’s I’m tracking as I go: (today I got as far as completing the “Breadcrumbs” section)

  • :white_check_mark: Copy everything over
    • :warning: Note: Changelog was moved to live under "O3 Releases.
  • :white_check_mark: Forms section: This belongs better so I moved it under the “O3 Forms” documentation section (currently called the React Form Engine docs)
  • :construction: Code formatting: Correct JSON line breaks get all squished into 1 sentence w/ copy-pasting. I need to go through and fix this in each page I’ve copied.
  • :construction: Info boxes: These don’t copy-paste right. I’ll need to go back through and fix all these.
  • :construction: Images: Not all images successfully copy-pasted.
  • :construction: Videos: These don’t render when copy-pasted. I need to make sure I’ve checked that all videos referenced are showing up correctly.

Further Follow-Up:

  • :white_check_mark: Notice on GitBook README & Introduction page of GitBook to use the wiki

  • :construction: Notice on all pages of old GitBook to use the Wiki

    • Use: import { Callout } from "nextra-theme-docs";
      <Callout emoji="ℹ️" type="info">
  • :construction: Short link Index – O3 Docs : Once we’re happy with the content in the Wiki, I’ll change this short link to refer to the Wiki instead of the GitBook.

  • :construction: O3 Framework API Reference page: All links need to be updated to themselves on that page.

  • :construction: Code-Links: Any code snippet with a link (eg to api call cheat-sheet) is broken.

  • :construction: Internal Doc links: There are many links to other sections of the original GitBook. These will need replacing.

  • :construction: Code-Highlights: Highlighting some specific sections of code such as happens here doesn’t automatically happen. Not sure if confluence supports this or not.

  • :white_check_mark: Added a page-turning plug-in to our confluence to help reproduce the “Next Page” & “Previous Page” buttons UI.

    • :construction: I just need to figure out how to get it actually working on the pages. You can add it like this but there’s a permissioning issue I need to fix.

Excellent work Grace!!