Missing Translated Lines in Bahmni Spanish Translation using Transifex files

Hi everyone,

Currently in our company we are trying to implement Bahmni translated in Spanish and we found very useful the list of resources that the community had already translated from english to Spanish using Transifex, but we also found a few of lines of codes that are missing for example in the for_use_bahmni_home-app_es.json in order to see the all the list of modules labels translated to Spanish from Bahmni OpenMRS you need to add this lines of codes:

"MODULE_LABEL_RADIOLOGY_UPLOAD_KEY": "Cargar Documentos de Radiología",
"MODULE_LABEL_PATIENT_DOCUMENTS_KEY": "Documentos de Pacientes",

You can find the location for Bahmni Internationalization files in ../bahmni/default-config/openmrs/apps/i18n

cc. @sommardahl @ronald721hn

@cristian, I don’t quite understand. Are you suggesting that we could add these keys to a file that is published somewhere, or to transifex?

(We’re glad to see the Spanish translations getting updated!)

@cristian I think we are doing the same work as you for LatAm. Could you contact me via whatsapp +34644008536

@darius, yes I’m pointing this because it would be good if these keys could be published in the Transifex file, we are looking to contribute to the Spanish community and in general about Bahmni. As new observations and updates emerge in our Bahmni implementation process, we want to share them with the community.

@luis, good we are with all the will to help to the community of Latin America in what we can, already send you a message vía WhatsApp, thanks for sharing your contact!

@cristian I am happy to add these if you can point me to where they should go. (Ideally, even send a pull request on github and link to it here.)

There are multiple source files related to i18n in the default config, in the different folders under https://github.com/Bahmni/default-config/tree/master/openmrs/i18n. And for example the first label you’ve given (MODULE_LABEL_REGISTRATION_KEY) is defined in two of those files:

@darius Thanks for your response, the files that you could change is inside Transifex in the Bahmni project for_use_bahmni_home-app_es.json and add:

"MODULE_LABEL_PATIENT_DOCUMENTS_KEY": "Documentos de Pacientes",

Also created a pull request on github: https://github.com/Bahmni/default-config/pull/3

@cristian, I apologize if I’m being slow, but I’m not sure what changes you want me to make (versus changes that you can make yourself).

The standard process is:

  • that’s why this filename starts with for_use_...; it is dynamically generated, based on you (and others) doing translations on Transifex.

So, my expectation is that you can put those Spanish translations into Transifex yourself, at the link in my second bullet point.

Or am I misunderstanding?

(Also, this makes me think we need to improve our documentation on how to translate Bahmni.)

Hi @darius, sure no problem! I can do that.

But, I think there was a misunderstanding on what I tried to say, if you use the for_use_bahmni_home-app_es.json as it is right now in Transifex, you will see the openMRS Home Modules like this:

So in order to translate those modules labels I needed to add to for_use_bahmni_home-app_es.json, these lines: “MODULE_LABEL_REGISTRATION_KEY”: “Registro”, “MODULE_LABEL_CLINICAL_KEY”: “Clínico”, “MODULE_LABEL_INPATIENT_KEY”: “Paciente Interno”, “MODULE_LABEL_RADIOLOGY_UPLOAD_KEY”: “Carga de Radiología”, “MODULE_LABEL_PATIENT_DOCUMENTS_KEY”: “Documentos de Pacientes”, “MODULE_LABEL_ADMIN_KEY”: “Admin”, “MODULE_LABEL_REPORTS_KEY”: “Reportes”, “MODULE_LABEL_APOOINTMENTS_KEY”: “Citas”, “MODULE_LABEL_ORDERS_KEY”: “Ordenes”, “MODULE_LABEL_PROGRAMS_KEY”: “Programas”, “MODULE_LABEL_IMPLEMENTER_INTERFACE_KEY”: “Interfaz de Implementación”, “MODULE_LABEL_ATOMFEED_CONSOLE_KEY”: “Consola AtomFeed”

So the result would be:

Apologies for confusing you!