Missing PatientId

While working on RefApp on this ticket https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-950, I came across an error when editing a Visit Date. https://pastebin.com/tFNNG8MP is thrown when you save…While the visit date change is well persisted;the response from the serve is not graceful. Can a ticket be created for it? @dkayiwa @mogoodrich @ruhanga @mozzy

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Thanks @reagan, did you manage to reproduce this on demo and qa-refapp? If yes, you may please go ahead to create a ticket for this to unblock you if there’s not one already.

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@ruhanga I tested it locally with sdk of latest snapshot and on qa-refapp as well, demo is currently unavailable…

I just reset the demo, you may as well go ahead to test on it. Feel free to create a ticket that’ll solve your blocker.

On demo-server it redirects well…

@ruhanga It seems a recent PR merge edited the redirect URL…

Thanks @reagan. @mozzy could this be bootstrap related?

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I think it’s an issue with the controller… The searchparams it gives on return find in this file…omod/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/coreapps/fragment/controller/visit/VisitDatesFragmentController.java…

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Okay @reagan , looks like there is a jQuery conflict before/after a successful post is made though. Here is a caught error in the Chrome Dev tool,

TypeError: $.getJSON(...).success is not a function

@reagan you could go ahead to create a ticket that resolves this. The success() method was deprecated in preference of done() in jQuery 3.4.1 . This means correcting the occurrences of this method such as the one below in that js file.

Alright then

@ruhanga Kindly review the issue here and advice on how to make it more clear. https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-1696. Kind regards…

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The fix works fine…Will send the PR when its made ready for work.

Thanks @reagan. @mozzy could you transition RA-1696 to ready for work? Thanks.

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@ruhanga i have just given you admin permissions to that JIRA project. So you should also be in position to do the needful. :slight_smile:


Thanks @dkayiwa. @reagan I hope you can now get the pull request through. :slight_smile:

Thanks @reagan, I just merged the PR on RA-1696

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Ur welcome @ruhanga


@reagan deserves a dev2 badge for the geat work he as done in RA :grinning:


Can you initiate a talk post?