missing configuration in the radiology module

Hi, I have installed openMrs platform version 2.0.0 and I have installed the radiology module version radiology-0.1.0-dev-SNAPSHOT as shown in the following link : OpenMRS Radiology Module. In the administration/maintenance/settings/radiology, I couldn’t find the configuration allowing to connect this module with the DCM4CHEE. It seems that there are some missing configuration in the built radiology module. This is the configuration of the radiology module installed on my openMrs platform:

It is different then the configuration page shown in the following screenshot found in the documentation bellow :

. would you please send me the required module of radiology that corresponds to the module used to generate the same settings and configuration as shown in the documentation ? Thank you.

Please see https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-radiology#limitations. Ivo mentioned this here unable to add radiology orders in openmrs

Active development of the radiology module is going on under LibreHealth http://librehealth.io/projects/lh-radiology/ but it still doesn’t provide this feature. Right now we are currently building a new user interface for the module built as an OWA. Connecting the module to DCM4CHEE will be looked into once we wrap up with the UI.

I advice you start a thread on https://forums.librehealth.io/ about the issues you are having with Radiology so that they will be kept in mind while developing the module.

thank you @ivange94.

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