Mirth between DCM4CHEE and OpenMRS

Hi everyone here, Can you please tell me how to send orders and messages from OpenMRS to Mirth and From mirth to DCM4CHEE? Thank you

Dear @charchabil can you please tell us more about your setup so we can help you out. Are you or do you have to use a specific version of OpenMRS and with what modules?

Thank you @teleivo Well i’m using OpenMRS 1.9.8 and the radiology module

@charchabil Dear I am working same thing as you are, I am a student - I have found some stuff want to shear with you… please guide me if you understand this…i think these are two different ways.

1- How can OpenMRS send HL7 message to Mirth?

2- How can OpenMRS send HL7 message to Mirth?