Metadata sharing nolonger on the mdsbuilder

Okay, I restored to the April backup (no worries I made backup from before my restore if needed), upgraded to the latest CIEL ( and upgraded to OpenMRS Platform 2.0.0.

Note that you should not be importing CIEL 1.11.2 into mdsbuilder as it is running platform 2.0.0 now, which is not compatible. I asked @akanter to start releasing CIEL for platform 2.0.0.

Anyway, we have the issue of empty descriptions in concepts to resolve. As I understand a new validation rule was added to platform 2.0.0 that all concepts must have at least one non-empty description (found TRUNK-2809). Was that agreed upon with Andy? There seems to be plenty of concepts without description in CIEL, see e.g. For what it matters I disagree with that new requirement and I would revert it (it would mean another platform release).

We won’t be able to export nor import any of the concepts missing description into platform 2.0.0.

BTW since I restored the backup from April, please use credentials you used in April to access mdsbuilder :slight_smile: