i’m trying to export metadatas using the metadata sharing module but anytime there is a concept in the package i’m exporting , the exportation will fail with the “failed validation”
so the failures occur when i try to export concepts or htmlforms. here is the errors i get for the htmlforms package exportation : htmlform metadata error - Pastebin.com
This concept Concept [id:5089 uuid:5089AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA] failed to be validated .with short name SpO2, which version of platformVersion,metadatasharing module,metadatamapping,and webservices.rest are you running
You have more than one fully specified name for the concept with id 5092 in the same locale. Turn off the preferred flag for all the names but one, for this concept.
You also have more than one short name for the concept with id 5089 in the same locale. Ensure that for each locale, this concept has just one short name.
is there any other way to export concepts. The metadata sharing way has a lot of issue even on the openmrs demo. There is always errors with locales, fully specified names and its very hard to go through each concept in the errors log to change it.
Maybe exporting is not the right word but i have created a lot of concepts and modified some existing ones while developing and now i’m moving to production and i don’t want to recreate everything, i can’t even remember all of them.
I have managed to reduce the errors to 30. All the concepts that are in the log cannot be found in the database and i get an error while trying to search them: “Error while attempting to find concepts - null”