Metadata Package Export failure due to Duplicate concepts names in CIEL

I have encountered a failure ,when building a metada package for Covid-19 due to duplication of names of some concepts. some of these include

  • liberia (165784 ,162606)
  • Senegal (165788 ,162610)
  • Sierra Leone (165789 , 162608)
  • United States of America (165820,162885 )

the above concepts names are duplicated in more than one concept, and i referenced the concept IDs where they are duplicated . This makes the validation to fail ,when i try to export them with in the metada package am building.

I was thinking of the following work arounds

  • i either exclude those concepts in the metada package am building
  • i retire one of the concepts in each case since the duplicates are exactly the same.

cc @ibacher @akanter @ball .

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I thought I would have caught those. I will make the fix and hopefully have a new CIEL release out by tomorrow


Thats great @akanter.
However am wondering if there could be other duplicates ??

Unlikely as it was due to a rapid creation of country content. You can retire the higher concept_ID concepts, but then you also have to change the concept IDs in the Country set. I just did that for the current release.

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New build of CIEL being uploaded to dropbox.


Great work @akanter. Let me re-upload that to MDSBuider

well done @akanter. I loaded the new version you released today. All the duplicates are cleared apart from United states of America. But for the porpose of the metadata package am building , i will retire one of them

Hello , @akanter @ibacher @mozzy, Am facing same problem while exporting Reference Application Diagnoses package. i have successfully exported Reference Application Concepts.There seems to be two duplicate concepts in current CIEL .

  • ConceptId 119537: concept Name: Depression

  • ConceptId: 119685, concept Name: Cystitis

Here is the full error Another problem could be validation of concepts as seen in the logs

These are two quite different underlying problems:

Cystitis (119685) looks like a simple error in CIEL. It’s mapped as both SAME-AS and NARROWER-THAN ICPC2 U71 (hence the error “Cannot map a reference term multiple times to the same concept”). I suspect the intention was to change 119685 to be marked as NARROWER-THAN ICPC2 U71. If that’s the case, it should be easy enough to fix on mdsbuilder itself.

@akanter Can you please confirm?

119537 is failing because it’s fully specified name in French (“DĂ©pression”) is also the fully specified name for 142563 in French (“Depressive Disorder”) (hence the error “‘DĂ©pression’ is a duplicate name in locale ‘fr’”). I’m not exactly sure what to suggest here.

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Thanks @ibacher for your clarification, I was suggestion we duplicate them,Surprisingly this is only happening on reference application diagnoses package

I am also unsure why these are arising now. The Cystitis error was bizarre, but I removed the same as map. For French, I will have to change the FSN for Depressive disorder. Need help from a French speaker @michaelbontyes?

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Thanks @akanter , Waiting for your feedback

cc @michaelbontyes, Any help for French translation here cc .@akanter, any updates so fur

No updates other than removing the same-as map to Cystitis. Waiting on a different French FSN for depressive disorder.

Great thanks @akanter , let me try removing a map to cystitis, and i think for depressive disorder, we can duplicate one.

Trouble dépressifs makes more sense. used ggogle translation :slightly_smiling_face:

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I updated this to: Trouble dépressif if you want to manually make the change to generate the export.

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Thanks @akanter @mozzy , it worked perfect :ok_hand:

Looking at Larousse MĂ©dical, they use “la maladie dĂ©pressive” or “la dĂ©pression”; also, apparently “mĂ©lancolie” is still active French medical terminology, but that seems closer to “major depressive disorder”.

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