is offline + New home for OpenConcept Lab Search

@cintiadr just checking if this server is one of those that were migrated @ball

@akanter Is there a new home for searching for concepts formerly at

I haven’t touched mdsbuilder yet. @raff said he’d work on it, but that didn’t yet happen. The machine itself is up.

mdsbuilder is running on port 8080 so here’s the way to access it: is a replacement for It’s not up to date though (using CIEL 2016-10-09). We’ll be upgrading it to the latest CIEL release this week.

@cintiadr, sorry I needed to focus on something else. I should be getting back to the migration next week.

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@raff What is the username and password to access the mdsbuilder?

@ssmusoke I believe @darius set up the mdsbuilder instance and has a super user account, so ask him to create one for you, there is no single publicly accessible account like other instances on our other servers.

I have access. It is online.

Yes, you can search using I thought @jpayne was still updating MCL as well, though. Andy