May 2019 Volunteer of the Month:AJAL ODORA JONATHAN

Congratulations to @odorajonathan , who has been nominated by fellow community members as May’s Volunteer of the Month! Five community members were nominated by the people to be January’s Volunteer of the Month - and he received two separate nominations!

We want to acknowledge Jonathan’s work and commitment to the OpenMRS community, so we asked him a few questions about himself and the different ways he is involved in our community.

  • Name


  • Your OpenMRS ‘name’?

  • @odorajonathan

  • Tell us a little about your background.

  • So, am a student from Bugema University in Uganda, twenty years of age. Currently am pursuing my first degree in Business Information Systems and am in my second year. I am very enthusiastic about programming and technology and love engaging myself in them so as to learn more and improve my skills in this vast field. Before joining OpenMRS I did not engage in much programming as I always wanted to do engineering but my love for computers grew stronger and what better place to start my programming journey than with OpenMRS.

  • When did you start with OpenMRS?

  • I started OpenMRS around January/February this year, but I did know a-little about the community before joining, very special thanks to @dkayiwa and @jwnasambu . After joining, I began familiarizing myself with the community resources including the Wiki, Talk, JIRA and GitHub.

  • How do you participate in the community (What activities, projects, role, etc)?

  • I engage in the community by working on tickets.

  • I am also currently in the Upgrading core libraries sprint team.

  • I have helped find solutions to problems faced by fellow members on talk and IRC.

  • I also sometimes attend OpenMRS calls on Uberconference to stay up-to date with community activities.

  • What drives or inspires you to work with OpenMRS?

  • I love how members in the community are ready to help for any problem or queries that anyone can have

  • And also how for every stage one finishes is given a new dev status or badge for every achievement attained.

  • What are your favorite things to do in your free time?

  • I love playing with cameras(photography), playing baseball and basketball, listening to music, reading articles, learning new staff and reading my Bible too.

  • I also like talking to people because I believe there is always something new to learn or share that might be of great help

  • What’s your favorite OpenMRS moment or tell us what makes OpenMRS special to you?

  • My first ticket I worked on as a newbie to the community gave me one heck of a time but when I had my first pull request merged and ticket closed, felt good knowing I could actually do more, thanks to guys always ready to help like @dkayiwa @mozzy @ruhanga @herbert24 and the rest I can’t mention you all

  • How has OpenMRS helped you achieve any of your personal goals or how has working with OpenMRS impacted you?

  • I must say I have improved on my coding knowledge practically and learnt new technologies like using git that I originally didn’t have enough knowledge on, all thanks to OpenMRS.

  • I have also learnt new programming practices and methods

  • I have also learnt how to work with teams which in turn has improved my teamwork skills


congs bro @odorajonathan

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congs @odorajonathan

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congs @odorajonathan

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congrats @odorajonathan

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Congratulations brother

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Congrants @odorajonathan! Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming

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Well done @odorajonathan, keep up the good work :slight_smile: .

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