When I run the “mvn clean install” command to build the OpenMRS Core, I get a compilation error saying that I need to use a JDK rather than a JRE. However, I do have the most up-to-date JDK as well as having my environment variables set up and directed towards the right directories. Any help would be appreciated. I have provided a screenshot of the error message, and my environment variables are as follows:
this means that in your environment variables,the path you set is pointing to the JRE instead of JDK,try changing the environment variable so that you point at the jdk.
I have everything set to the JDK including the Path and JAVA_HOME variables but it is still using the JRE at runtime. Should my JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME be in my system variables as opposed to user?
Sorry for that it seems you are using jdk 11, currently jdk 11 is not yet supported can you try specifying jdk 8. its what currently we use, we havenot shifted or upgraded to jdk 11. so try specifying jdk 8
However m2e is a folder containing automatically generated resources, that need to be deployed on the application server. These generated resources are : pom. properties and MANIFEST.m2e works hand in hand with maven and eclipse. you can as well check that folder from C:\Users\SHARIF.m2\repository. just check it from that directory