Managing referral lab tests in openELIS

Hi I am using Bahmni v 0.87 in vagrant and not able to manage referred lab tests in openELIS.

For the tests that cannot be carried out inside our own hospital, I was able to mark such lab test as “Referred Out” following this document:(Point 3. Refer a Test) Example: Blood Grouping has been marked as “Is Referred Out->Yes”.

Now in Bahmni Clinical, I ordered the lab test “Blood Grouping” to a patient which flows to openELIS in “Samples To Collect”. Since I am not going to collect sample for this test, I tried to directly enter the result for such referred test in openELIS using: Results->Referred Out But it is neither showing any such referral tests nor allowing to enter the result.(Screenshot attached)

What is the correct workflow for entering result for referred out lab tests?

The steps to refer out a test ordered. 1.When a new Sample appears on Samples to be collected tab either by sync or manual Add Sample in OpenELIS, you get to generate the Accession no and other info and save.

2.Once the sample is collected and saved the Accession will appear under Samples Collected tab with Result, Validation, Print actions

3.Click on Result and it opens the result entry page for Accession. There against each test ordered there will be a checkbox against the column Referral Reason. Please check the box and select the reason etc information and enter results for remaining and save

4.Once the test is referred out, you can find it under Results->Referred out section to enter results/ upload document.

Thanks. Basically I was skipping “Sample Collection” because it was a Referred Out test. Seems there is no significant difference in workflow for in-house lab and referred out tests other than checking the “Referred Out” section and uploading scanned report.