When I go to Manage Person Attributes I have the screen like in the photo below. From the documentation I understand that I need to add the attributes to the viewing and editing/listing. I did that and also have tried different ways to do it, but unfortunately it won’t show anywhere.
I want to be able when I add/edit person to have an option to insert email and phone number so later when I add relationship to some patient for them to be shown under the name of the person.
Okay, let me explain.
I want to display those attribute near the person name. In order to display them I need to get them, similar to usePersons(). Is there a way to get those attributes easily?
For example the response to be like:
peronName: “Agata Kristi”,
email: /…
phone: …
gender: …
I just want to get those details when I list all persons from usePersons().
There is no mockup. I just want to know how to pull that data in order to be visible so I can use it.
But when I enter the person uuid it gives me 404 error, which means Not Found.
I think this will help me whit my problem. Can you explain it more and where it is used?