Make login page layout configurable

We have recently being having a session with the UgandaEMR team on how to build on top of OHRI and make customisations and one of the things that came up was if it was possible to customize the login screen to make the username, password and maybe even location appear on a single screen rather than different screens. Is this something that can be considered or added to the pipeline?

cc: @bistenes @zacbutko @pauladams @grace

Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 13.26.36



I’d be fine with that. I think you (or your team) will have to implement it yourselves. For configuration elements, I suggest passwordOnSeparateScreen (default true) and locationSelectOnSeparateScreen (default true).

As far as implementation goes, the password part will probably be quite easy. The location picker I think will require some redesign if it’s going to fit into the same screen. For that reason you might want to implement the passwordOnSeparateScreen toggle first and the location one later.


I’d like to get back to this, as it’s a good suggestion and something several implementers have now asked for. Asking @jayasanka to start looking into this, and we’ll make an O3 Epic to track the work.

I think the other main ask(s) were:

  • to have a clear “Forgot password / password reset” workflow.
  • Ability to display System Messages to the user at the time of login, like “Planned Downtime expected at Date XYZ” etc.

Another that’s coming up is 2FA/MFA but I don’t think that’s in scope as part of this initial Epic, but could follow.

I’ll also add here screenshots showing how this was handled in O2 and in PIH’s O2 distro - you can see clearly that Username, Pwd, Location, and Forgot Password workflows were all on 1 screen:

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I’ve created an epic to track the progress: [O3-2582] Enhance Login Page Configurability - OpenMRS Issues

By the way, the current password reset is just a popup message, where admin should manually reset the password and I couldn’t find any other options. Any thoughts on this?

Would this be another option? [RESTWS-749] - OpenMRS Issues

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