Looking for the OpenMRS 2.6.0 Platform Release Manager

@dkayiwa , Why are changing back to 2.5.9-snapshot?

Hope its not a dumb question😅

Take a look at the second last commit.

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The second last commit indicates that we are moving from 2.6.0-snapshot back to 2.5.9. (according to me) so that begs the question, why?

The latest commit found at [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration · openmrs/openmrs-core@b56d7d3 · GitHub then changes the 2.5.9 to 2.5.9-snapshot

@abertnamanya could you be having an explanation for this?

@abertnamanya can you help Herman to fix this?

Thank you @dkayiwa, Have I missed out on any of the variables to be changed?

CC: @mherman22

That would release 2.6.0-alpha as expected. But the commits i shared above indicate that it was 2.5.9 which was released.

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Oh thanks @dkayiwa @abertnamanya, lesson taken.

We are sorry to have not updated the release version variables before but it’s now building hope to have the release out.

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@dkayiwa looking at deleting the tag from the repo

Error Message: [ERROR] Tag 2.6.0-alpha already exists in the repo. Delete it before we can continue with the process.

You should have received the dropbox link yesterday for CIEL. Should we somehow update the release process to access CIEL from OCL instead of dropbox?

Dear @dkayiwa Need some help with solving this error 30-Nov-2022 09:16:31 Build OpenMRS Platform - OpenMRS Platform 2.6.x - Build and - Pastebin.com

It is better pointing to the actual CI plan that you are trying to run.

Thanks @akanter i received it.

Where and how can this update be done? @dkayiwa

Have you discussed this with @abertnamanya ?


@abertnamanya the tag that you are trying to release already exists: Tags · openmrs/openmrs-core · GitHub

And its next development version should have been 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT

so what we did is we deleted the existing tag and rebuilt openMRS Platform 2.6.x plan but this time round we changed the maven.development.version variable to 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT.

However, we have the plan failing and here are the full logs → OpenMRS Platform - OpenMRS Platform 2.6.x - Build and push 13: Build log - OpenMRS Bamboo.

cc: @abertnamanya @dkayiwa

You are releasing 2.6.0 the next Snapshot version is 2.7.0 Snapshot I stand to be corrected.

That will be set when they are doing the final release. For now, it is an alpha.

Thanks so much for the clear explanation! It makes sense to me now!