Looking for OpenMRS Bahmni Consultants

Hello, We are an Egyptian IT Solutions vendor, we are starting our first project with OpenMRS Bahmni implementation in 3 clinics. This is our first project and we will need guidance from experienced OpenMRS Bahmni consultants. If anyone is interested please email me at yasser.marey@jrm.com.eg with your complete contact information and hourly compensation. Greetings, Yasser

@yassermarey - A list of implementation partners for Bahmni can be seen here: Implementation Partners — Bahmni™

There are many others too, but likely not listed. If you drop an email to Bahmni Coalition (contact-us), maybe the coalition can forward your requirement to suitable vendors in your region.

Feel free to also join the Bahmni slack channel (public), to ask questions/participate. See this:

#bahmni #implementers #egypt