Should the Global Domain Identifier ID that the Master Patient Index creates, uses and is unique to each patient in the MPI be stored locally by OpenMRS as a Patient Identifier?
Referencing this discussion in the pull request I submitted for Registration Core :
wluyima 5 days ago • edited Member
Do you really need to add the mpi id to the patient in the local instance? If you know the patient id in the local instance, I’d expect that you push it to the MPI , if you need to push updates to the MPI later, you should identify them by the local id. Was there any design discussions around this functionality?
shaoyuancc 5 days ago
Hmmm we did not have explicit discussions about this, although this question was brought up by @mogoodrich at one point. We can have the discussion now I guess… There might not be an explicit function for this, like what you said the system should be able to work without it, but might it add robustness/ improve the integrity of the records? @approce, might you be able to comment on why you designed it in this way? @pgesek, any thoughts?
dkayiwa 7 hours ago Member
Do you wanna discuss this from Talk?
Thoughts? @mseaton @craigappl @jiahaochua