Lack of demo data / Newer Docker images?

Application Name: Platform **Version Number: ** 1.10.1 Build 4ba699

Question: I installed the OpenMRS Platform using the pre-built Docker image that is linked in the Wiki (openmrs-core-docker):

During the installation process, I chose to load the demo data and the initialization process took some time to run the loading scripts.

However, there is very limited data on database after installation:

mysql> select * from person;
| person_id | gender | birthdate  | birthdate_estimated | dead | death_date | cause_of_death | creator | date_created        | changed_by | date_changed | voided | voided_by | date_voided | void_reason | uuid                                 |
|         1 | M      | NULL       |                   0 |    0 | NULL       |           NULL |    NULL | 2005-01-01 00:00:00 |       NULL | NULL         |      0 |      NULL | NULL        | NULL        | 07c7fcaa-a77f-11e8-88f4-0242ac110002 |
|         2 | M      | 1941-05-01 |                   0 |    0 | NULL       |           NULL |       1 | 2005-09-22 00:00:00 |       NULL | NULL         |      0 |      NULL | NULL        | NULL        | 07c7fe29-a77f-11e8-88f4-0242ac110002 |
|         3 | M      | 1975-01-01 |                   0 |    0 | NULL       |           NULL |       1 | 2005-09-22 00:00:00 |       NULL | NULL         |      0 |      NULL | NULL        | NULL        | 07c7fedf-a77f-11e8-88f4-0242ac110002 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Secondly, the application version in this Docker image seems quite old? Is there a container image with more recent version?

Hi Mikko,

Our official dockerhub organisation is Docker

(are you able to point me the wiki page pointing that repository?)

I think the whole context is described in:

We don’t officially support those docker images in production. For example, I didn’t do any security hardening on it, and I’d need someone willing to be the guinea pig and let me know of any problems found.

If you want to run the demo locally, you can check

OK, thanks. I will check those official Docker images.

What is the difference between reference application and platform? Does those images contain the demo data also?

The Wiki page that pointed me to the other repository is here:

The difference between platform and reference application is described here:

Chances are you are looking for the reference application.

The docker image itself doesn’t contain demo data (but it contains the demo plugin, which would allow you to generate demo data). I’ve already done that step for the demo server, and it’s available to run locally if you desire ( All you need is docker-compose and docker installed locally. Check the readme file.

By default, the reference application docker image will start with an empty database.