JIRA/issues.openmrs.org migrated!

An update… I’m in touch with the Atlassian team. They dropped our identity provider, because of billing details not being provided and a 30-day trial period ending. @burke @grace @janflowers I thought we were covered by a grant from Atlassian… Could you please add billing details or reach out to Atlassian to confirm if we can use Atlassian Access as part of their sponsorship?It’s at Administration

There was quite some work to recreate the identity provider and a number of issues around it. The good news is that most of users should be able to login now. If it doesn’t work for you it means that you are among about 1k users that are not yet connected to the new identity provider. I am hoping Atlassian team will resolve the issue in the next couple of hours and I will be able to connect the rest of users.

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All users should have access now! We have time until Jan, 24th to resolve the financing issue so that we do not loose access again.


thank you @raff

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Hey, hi @raff. I tried to log in to Jira Issue using my openMRS ID. But unfortunately, I couldn’t get the Jira Issue page for OpenMRS 3. x. Could you please confirm if is there any fault on my side?

@senthilathiban did you ensure you typed your username with @id.openmrs.org at the end?

When I typed along with the @id.openmrs.org, it gave me an error like an invalid one. The input field is asking for a username only and a password. When I logged in using the username and password, I couldn’t redirect to the openMRS issue tracker page. But inside Jira, the login ID is the same as senthilathiban@id.openmrs.org only. Hereby, I have attached the screenshot for your reference. Thanks in advance.

So the way this works is:

  • In Jira, click on the sign-in link (that weirdly uses the logout icon)
  • In the Jira login screen enter your <OpenMRS User Name>@id.openmrs.org, e.g., senthilathiban@id.openmrs.org
  • You will be redirected to our login page. There you enter your OpenMRS credentials using your OpenMRS user name, which is senthilathiban and password.
  • When you click sign-in, you should be redirected to Jira and logged in.
  • If you’re not redirected to Jira, it may be your browser or a browser extension that’s blocking things (Atlassian tends to host tracking code in the same origin as it hosts functional code, which means that ad-blockers, like those built into the Brave browser, sometimes block actually required requests).

If you get to our login screen without having been redirected from Jira, we will have no idea that’s where you’re trying to go, so you won’t get redirected to Jira (the same login screen is used to login to most OpenMRS-hosted sites).

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