JetBrains(IntelliJ IDEA developers) offers FREE licenses to students

JetBrains, the developers of IntelliJ IDEA offer free licenses to students. Check it out:


Yeah this is really cool. Been using it for a while. The license is for almost all JetBrains developer tools. Really cool.

Me too . Just started using it :grinning:

This is cool, thanks

Just in case someone didn’t know about it, github too has a students pack. :slight_smile:

Thank you, Robby @r0bby for the info.

Robby, what IDE is most friendly (has less issues when importing project and running it in IDE environment for debugging) for OpenMRS development\testing: Eclipse, NetBeans or Intellij?

@aleksei: IntelliJ IDEA.

bumping this topic for others who are unaware.