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Hey! Does OpenMRS code base support jdk-14 as per now
when you look at our ci plan currently, we do have builds from java 8 to java 14,feel free to try it
@kdaud just a reminder not all openmrs version on 2.x line support java 14 there are those versions which are strictly running on java 8 and even below.
Jdk supports backward compatibility, I think having jdk13 installed can run all versions supporting jdk13 and below. Feel free to correct me on this
Am sorry if I didn’t get you well kindly forgive me! but in java we have three main categories of compatibility:
- Source compatibility: which concerns translating Java source code into class files.
- Binary compatibility: mainly for preserving the ability to link without error.
- Behavioral compatibility: includes the semantics of the code that is executed at runtime.
and other minor categories of compatibility and all these determines the version to be used to ensure the system runs smoothly. That is why, whenever a new openmrs version is released the is a Release notes page with the jdk version to be used and once you select your own version you will get an error and the only solution is to install the required jdk version.
Thanks @jwnasambu for this insight, I meant Source compatibility