Issues with the validation for eligibility and gender versus program area

Question: Dear all. Is there a way to avoid OpenMRS to allowing Male patients to be enrolled in PTV programs and adult patients to be enrolled to a CCR program?

Step-by-step instructions for others to reproduce the problem
Scenario 1: Create a New Male patient with 22 years-> search for the patient-> On patient dashboard look for programs session-> Click on add program -> on program name select PTV-> Chose any completion date and Location-> Click on enrrol button. (The system enrolles the patient)

Scenario 2: Search for the the same Male patient-> On patient dashboard look for programs session-> Click on add program -> on program name select CCR-> Chose any completion date and Location-> Click on enrrol button. (The system enrolles the patient)

Platform: We are using OpenMRS v1.11.5 as a retrospective system


Having user defined validations for program enrollment is not currently implemented. It therefore requires creating a ticket.

Hi @dkayiwa, Thank you for your response.

Did you take a look at the link i gave above?

Yes @dkayiwa. I did create the issue successfully. Thanks

@dkayiwa What would be the best way to implement this validation in a custom module? Should I override ProgramWorkflowService#savePatientProgram?

Our practice has been creating validator classes which get called automatically when saving the validated objects. Here is a list of such validators:

Thanks @dkayiwa.

Hi @dkayiwa

I’m having a problem with the validator implemented.

When I call endpoint /programenrollment with a payload that should not pass validation, the message from error response is actually the key from the messages bundle:

  "error": {
    "message": "Invalid Submission",
    "code": "",
    "globalErrors": [
        "code": "error.patientProgram.patientMustBeAged5OrYounger",
        "message": "error.patientProgram.patientMustBeAged5OrYounger"
    "fieldErrors": {}

Any idea what might be wrong?

Can i look at your validator implementation?

And where are those message codes defined or expanded?

Did you intentionally decide not to prefix them with your moduleid?

I did not know it was necessary

@dkayiwa thanks the messages are expanded now, just missing i18n.

We are setting the locale through /session endpoint, but they are always in english.

Nevermind it was missing in config.xml, thank you for your help.