Application Name: OpenMRS Platform/ core Version Number: 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
Question: I have been trying to install OpenMRS core on Tomcat running on Linux, the version details are as below:
OpenMRS Platform/ core: 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
Ubuntu (Linux): 18.04.2 LTS
Java (openjdk): 1.8.0_275
Apache Tomcat: 9.0.26
MySQL: 14.14 Distrib 5.7.32
The OpenMRS core source was downloaded from GitHub and built locally to generate the Web archive file which was then deployed to Tomcat. The same installation works perfectly fine when run using the Jetty server. It’s difficult to understand why the error gets generated with the Tomcat server. After installing on the local Tomcat and hitting “http://localhost:8080/openmrs/” the initial setup page pops up and everything goes on fine till the final page of the set up process:
By this time the server is able to connect to MySQL and create all the necessary tables. Finally the below error gets displayed on the browser:
The Tomcat log file has the below entries:
Posting this question as the Wiki pages/ development guides and earlier discussions on this forum did not have much information regarding deployment on Tomcat (the Jetty server option works well!). Please advise as to what can be the right way forward.
Thank you.