(albi shala)
I am looking into translating a certain word (Male) in the Bahmni (see picture below)

As far as I could get this is the gender which is not by default translated in any language in Bahmni.
The code is under
Any idea how could I translate it?
this would require some code change. I guess translate key lookup was missed. Can you raise a card for this?
@binduak @abhinab
(albi shala)
Actually I figured this out.
We need to change the values in the global settings in the OpenMRS under mrs.genders
The problem we’re facing now is with Id and Diagnosis in the WardList view 
All the rest can be translated via changing a SQL query ( emrapi.sqlGet.wardsListDetails) under OpenMRS apart from these two fields 
(Himabindu Akkinepalli)
@aidjali this would require code changes as we see here
(albi shala)
Hi @binduak , I tried this too but unfortunately I lose some records afterwards. If I change Id then I get only a certain ID in the table.
Patient A > IN1234
Patient B > XK1234
I would only get IN (or XK)
I think the issue then lies with the query itself