Issue in Creating Drug order through REST

**Application Name:**Bahmni Version Number: 1.0.0.

Question: Hi, I am trying to create order in openmrs with the request { "action": "NEW", "patient": "47763724-74b5-4108-8f41-2b4e1fba2b8c", " - i am getting this response { “error”: { “message”: “Invalid Submission”, “code”: “”, “globalErrors”: , “fieldErrors”: { “frequency”: [ { “code”: “DrugOrder.error.frequencyIsNullForDosingTypeSimple”, “message”: “Frequency is required for simple dosing type” } ], “doseUnits”: [ { “code”: “DrugOrder.error.notAmongAllowedConcepts”, “message”: “The units concept must be among allowed concepts” } ], “quantityUnits”: [ { “code”: “DrugOrder.error.notAmongAllowedConcepts”, “message”: “The units concept must be among allowed concepts” } ], “route”: [ { “code”: “DrugOrder.error.routeNotAmongAllowedConcepts”, “message”: “The route concept must be among allowed concepts as specified by the order.drugRoutesConceptUuid global property” } ] } } } any hint would be much appreciated.**

@parker The issue appears to be caused by an invalid request body, as indicated by the response. It seems the openmrs-core validator (found here) is throwing exceptions due to missing or incorrect data in the request body.

Could you please provide the endpoint you are calling? I can attempt to replicate the issue. In the meantime, here is a demo request body for prescribing medication in a Bahmni encounter. Let me know if it helps.

Thanks for the reply rahul, it was indeed because of the incorrect data in the request body.