Issue in Building Messaging Module

Hi, I am working on 2.0.1 version of OpenMRS. While building messaging module in trunk, I am getting following issue :

  1. ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project messaging-api: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openmrs.module:messaging-api:jar:0.9.0-beta: Failure to find org.smslib:smslib:jar:3.5.0 in http :// was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of openmrs-repo has elapsed or updates are f orced

Ans : So I download smslib-3.5.0.jar and kept in .m2.

but after this I am getting following error :

Failed to execute goal org.motech.openmrs.plugin:maven-openmrs-plugin:1.0-RC4:verify-module (default-verify-module) on project messaging-omod: activator org/openmrs/module/messaging/MessagingM oduleActivator.class not in omod

I have kept maven-openmrs-plugin-1.0-RC4.jar and .pom in .m2 for reference. But still same issue.

Is there something I am missing ?



Though this is not the answer to your question, do you mind sharing your thoughts in regards to what you want to use this module for?

Hi, I am trying to use this module to integrate with SMS gateway.

I will be using services of this module to send alert messages to patients for appointments confirmation in form of SMS.

Can you take a look at this? Solutions for SMS-based patient care

Hi Daniel,
The communication needed is only one way and not two way. So what I am looking for is service which makes api call to SMS gateway provider and provider will forward message to patient.
The Messaging module I think has similar functionality. What are your thoughts on it?

Have you evaluated RapidPro in regards to that?