Is there any OpenMRS developer, doing developments on Windows OS platform? I used that one.

ok take me through the steps you completed here one by one

I have looked at the documentation and have been reading and implementing. Quite a number of tools need to be setup but I have found that there is more than one way of going about the setup.

Can we do a phone call, please @herbert24?

i can do a zoom call at around 10pm EAT today, don’t know whether thats fine with you

Thank you @herbert24. I appreciate the zoom call. The time is fine.

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Hi everyone! I have been following the OpenMRS SDK - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki to set up my dev environment. When I got to setting MAVEN_OPTS, I got this error here below.

Would anyone please help?

the correct command is mvn -v

Thanks for the reply @herbert24, I used the command mvn -v after installing maven and the result was successful. Now in the making sure maven has enough space after Please set the MAVEN_OPTS system property to " -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m ". I get the error above and even after using the command mvn -v this is what returned here below!

@herbert24, When I remove the MAVEN_OPTS from the environment variables, this is the result after I run mvn -v.

for now you can work without mvn_opts,the above is ok

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Thank you @herbert. Let me continue setting up. Hopefully the documentation at that step can be made specific!


Hi @herbert24, which is the best version of mysql to install for windows 10? I see 5.7 but I have also read somewhere that version 8 is supported?

you can run with any of those,i have been using 5.7 for some good time

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Thanks @herbert24 for your time here and help!

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I just see the messages. @herbert24 is the man!! He helped me a lot too… I have just started the OpenMRS SDK developer setup on my Windows10 machine. So, I am in the same boat with you @ibukenya . We can help each other out and learn together… I am working on some changes to setup people from (country call Myanmar, old name is Burma).


Hi @herbert24, @mozzy, @ruhanga I have run mvn openmrs-sdk:setup and this is what came up here below.

I see (NO POM) 1. I also see unable to create a system terminal. And how do I set up a new server?

@ibukenya Simply look through Setting SDK here Hope will be helpful thank you

Thanks @jonathan Jonathan

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Lemi break this down in step for you:

   1.  Ensure you have mysql (versions stated in the above linkinstalled on yo machine.

   2.   Create a database (e.g testdb) under the mysql root user.

   3.  Then in your terminal run mvn openmrs-sdk:setup

   4.  Choose a server name or leave it to default.

    5.  Choose either distribution or platform

    And then follow the step for either distribution or platform by choosing the version you want (choose the latest).

    Choose the port or leave it at default
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