Is there a way to get a cloud server to host a DHIS2 instance?

Hi all,

I’m working on my GSoC Project; GSoC 2020: Improving OpenMRS DHIS2 Integration. Currently, I have set up a DHIS2 instance on my local machine for testing purposes. But, it is a resource-consuming setup and a little bit hard to run other applications with that.

May I know is there a way to get a cloud server to host the DHIS2?

@jayasanka could this be of help Hosting - DHIS2

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You can also try using docker images for hosting your cloud server. Here are some of docker images that you can follow as well Another option could be getting acquited to AWS, this link however this links i provided can be used as an example to get you going


@suthagar23 is there a way to allocate some funding to get a cloud server to deploy a DHIS2 instance or give access to an already purchased cloud server. As @jayasanka has mentioned he is unable to deploy a DHIS2 instance in his local machine. I am not sure if there is a standard way in OpenMRS to help GSOC students in these kind of situations.

@jayasanka could you let us know the requirements for the cloud server (RAM, processor, OS etc)

Thanks @gcliff @sharif & @akshika47 for the answers.

Yes @akshika47, I just tried to set up a server with 1GB RAM. But the server gets crashed because of insufficient RAM. According to the specification, it needs a minimum of 4GB RAM and 4 CPU cores for a small server.,GB%20for%20a%20medium%20instance.

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Hi @cintiadr and @burke,

Is there an existing mechanism for GSOC students to get credits to host a cloud server or an OpenMRS infrastructure which has been already deployed where @jayasanka can run a test DHIS2 server?