Is drug entry module has print prescription functionality ?

I have added drug entry module in my openmrs setup. But there no print functionality when we give medication to patient.

Is this available in drug entry module or not?

Thanks !

Drug order entry module does not support print Button for printing drug medication

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Thanks for your response @sharif . Do have any idea how to build owa-orderentry after some changes. I did some changes in orderentry-owa but dont know to build it.


To build and package your app in a distributable file, use npm Webpack or Try npm run build:prod

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Then I think it will generate zip file Am i right?

Yeah sure thats right and you need to use the zip file to deploy it into the system via owa

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Thanks @sharif I Appreciate your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @sharif getting error while building the app using npm build:prod here is the log. 0 info it worked if it ends with ok1 verbose cli [1 verbose cli 'C:\\Progr -

Do you have latest version of Npm of your machine, if not try updating your npm

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OK let me update if it works.

Hey @sharif tried updating npm to 6.14.12 but facing same issue.

sorry for late response @atiq , hopefully this might reflect what @ibacher explained here

Hi Sharif, did you get any other update on this? We’re also looking at printing prescriptions and absence authorisation letters.

@kcte ,Am not quite certain if drug Printing prescriptions functionality is not supported in OrderEntry module. Am not sure if your organization have adopted 03, but if so, it can i think be added into openmrs-esm-patient-chart. cc @ibacher .

We carried out installation of 03 and provided a demo to the team, which they were happy with based on its ease of use compared with the rest. However, the issue with printing is causing a major setback. Don’t know if I should keep on looking into this or switch to Bahmni.

We normally have hourly calls where we bring such issues. i would advise before switching to bahmni and you had presented 03 to stakeholders, First bring this issue to those calls cc @dkayiwa @samuel34 . is this something that has been implemented in 03.

Please, have a look at this thread. We added a visit summary report, that also includes medication. I think this can be leveraged for printing prescription. cc: @anish

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Would be great if this could be looked into. When is the next call @dkayiwa @samuel34

@dipakthapa thanks for this. @anish how can we leverage this for others?

Any feedback on this? @anish @dkayiwa @samuel34. I’ve been asked by stakeholders as they want to start test phase next week.