Ipd app.json is not reflecting ipd dashboard

I am trying to edit /var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/ipd/app.json to configure ipd dashboard. However, it seems ipd dashboard is not at all using this config since Go to Ipd dashboard is displaying dashboard completely different from what is mentioned in above app.json

Could anyone please help me find out the issue.

Moved to the bahmni category.

  1. use chrome developer tools, and check whether the file “app.json” is being downloaded? if yes, check the path
  2. there are 2 IPD/ADT modules in Bahmni? which one are you using ?
  • if you are using the “Inpatient”, then you need to change “/adt/app.json”
  • if you are using the “Bed Management”, then change the “/ipd/app.json”

Ohk. Thanks for the info. Could you please clarify on few more questions.

Now when I see clinical/extension.json, there is one field url for each of Consultation section. What does this url signify can I change this to something else.

Also, it seems adding new Consultation tab is still not supported in Bahmni. Right? Secondly, how would I configure default tabs. Say if I wish to add new text or some other field like Posture. Do I need to modify respective concept set UI in Openmrs. What all visuals can be modified following such approach.

Currently, address hierarchy is predefined in Openmrs. Let’s say I wish to redefine it so it would become something like State -> District -> One thing -> Another thing. Could you please point me to some document describing steps for the same.

Now clinical dashboard contains lots of display controls. What are all these types. How can I modify existing display controls OR add new one. For example there is something obsflowsheet, observationGraph etc…

  • for display controls check WIKI. there is an entire section
  • there is another thread on the address hierarchy setup. Also on WIKI

One more thing… how could I take the print out of Accession number in Openelis to paste on vile. I would probably not go about writing and pasting them individually. Right?

Secondly, we have ICD 10 codes mapped with all diagnosis. How about mapping SNOMED codes as well. Can I map both these codes simultaneously.

Please use different threads for different topics. Encourage searching either talk thread or WIKI.

sure. I will raise separate thread for SNOMED. Could you provide solution for accession number. I couldn’t find it on wiki.

how could I take the print out of Accession number in Openelis to paste on vile