Introductory Tickets

@ dkayiwa I have checked out the introductory tickets at but it seems the tickes are best suited to non beginners. Is it possible to avail some introductory tickets?


@loisnaki oh sorry about it! I stand to be corrected but you were searching for the ticket on this link thought guided by the one you shared.

@loisnaki i can understand your sincere concern .

To be sincere our introductory Tickets may not ideally be introductory as it sounds, to some one not familiar with our Custom APIs and Framweworks. I surely understand our frameworks are a little complex at the start.

But the most better approach i can advise you to take ,is to go through the Create your First Module section listed as No. 8 on that document. Through that setion youll get more familiar with our Coding Conventions and get an introduction to the APIs and frameworks we use. From that , your in a better position to attempt the Introductory Tickets

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@mozzy, thank you for pointing me in that direction. I will have a look.

@loisnaki, but it seems the tickes are best suited to non beginners

Yes you are kinder right but i would advise you to read developers manual because it might be of help.

Go through most of the documentations on the openmrs wiki and use the scroll-bar on the left of the page to read more about OpenMRS including modules, webapps, utit tests, Quality assuarance, etc.

By the end of it all, you will be able to pick sence from the abstract discriptions onn introductory tickets.

wish u luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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@jnsereko thank you for the heads up.

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@mozzy, thank you so much for this light shed. :clap:

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@jnsereko, great. Thank you for your effort.

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@gracebish please send me link showing the video. Check out that. It will be helpful

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Along similar lines, if we have suggestions to the wiki/documentation as we’re getting our development environment setup is there a protocol for updates/edits to the wiki?

@esones0 Depending on your level of confidence in the changes you are making, you can request access to edit the Wiki yourself or bring it up here on Talk.