I have a requirement to be able to enter patient relationships (mother/child, doctor/patient) via the 2.0 patient registration page.
Has anyone else had a similar requirement / worked on this?
Can anyone think of the easier possible way to do this? from what i’ve seen, there’s no way of easily configuring the registration app - rather, I might have to write a bunch of custom java code to do so…
@wyclif, I thought that the registration app config only supported the inclusion of person attributes? its cool if it supports relationships too!
@darius, are you talking about the ‘referenceapplication.personalRelationships’ app? using both demo.openmrs and devtest01, I enabled this app via the manage apps view, and then looked through the clinician facing page. I cant seem to see any link for relationships on this page? it seems as if some further configuration is needed to make this work?
@Surganga, the registration app config supports adding literally anything via the sections/questions field only that it isn’t very straight forward especially for things where there is no existing standard widget for the field you wish to add.
@surangak, I’m looking for a similar feature in patient registration workflow to avoid control data redundancy and family monitoring.
Any progress made in the direction or any idea on the implementation strategy??