I and the team at UW DIGI are working on something that I’ve been really excited about, and I think there are many here who will be excited about it as well!
I wanted to bring your attention to a page describing our strategy for adding support for IPS ingestion and viewing for O3. I’ve put the link at the bottom of the post.
We want to provide a cross-site, cross-system longitudinal patient history. We have the FHIR pipelines set to stream data to a central FHIR store acting as an SHR/NDR. There, we are using HAPI FHIR to generate an IPS based on the data in the SHR and return a summary for a provider to view. This is a tech-agnostic IPS viewer, and you can use any IPS source for this patient history functionality.
This will be a great addition to O3, which will help connect patients’ histories across sites and share data when there is more than one health information system creating relevant clinical data.
I’d love to get others’ eyes on this and feedback to make this new feature useful for many implementations immediately! I see this as one of the cornerstones to achieving a cross-site interoperable network to solve the needs of large implementations and archive what some had been looking to multi-tenancy for.
@caseynth2 this is a welcome addition to the implementation, as ugandaemr we have actually been thinking of how to implement this as it will needed for our Cross Border implementation that is being piloted within EAC and also during patient transfers within facilities, let us know how we can be part of the solution especially on brain storm this new feature.
That’s awesome @solemabrothers. So far @reagan@miirochristopher have been doing the initial work on the IPS. Definitely connect with them to see what you can help with!
Our company, S23M, which sponsors the Aotearoa New Zealand node of the COIL Labs (ANZIL) of the Asian eHealth Interoperability Network - AeHIN, has been participating in the ISO TC/215 (Health Informatics) committee, with Standards New Zealand - specifically to track the development of IPS v2, which is about to be (has been?) published. But because ISO is a bit opaque, unless your country participates, or you have CHF1200 lying around to buy the PDF… but the good news is that Peter Jordan, a HL7 FHIR pioneer, and the main implementer of IPS in New Zealand Health, is going on behalf of HL7 NZ to the HL7 International meeting this week to update the FHIR implementation guide for IPS v2, which is free and openly published.
So once the relevant HL7 voting process is complete, we’ll have a new IPS, containing a couple of new possible Resources - Patient Story and Alerts.
We are very keen, as S23M, ANZIL, and with AeHIN partners including the Philippines, to participate in IPS implementation, and other FHIR initiatives in OpenMRS. So far we have evaluated OpenMRS as a FHIR testing platform, and participated in a very small way to helping clean up the FHIR documentation for OpenMRS. Now we are just starting to get more involved in NZ/Australia/Philippines interoperability via AeHIN and HL7, and we hope to have some resources to enable us to do more than just evaluate and fix documents in the near future.
This IPS ingestion and viewing for O3 has come at just the right time, and we will continue to monitor this thread, and soon see whether we can contribute to the Project Wiki, as appropriate.
I’ll try and get in touch with the others who have replied to this thread in due course.
Wow, that’s awesome! We’re happy to include you in our technical work to fully support ingestion, viewing, and soon, generation of the IPS for interoperability use cases. @keithduddy Will you folks be at the OpenMRS meeting in Kenya for us to dive into more details on this work that you are doing?
I’m afraid we’re still working on a project establishment phase, and have no resources for travel or coding right now, but we want to follow along with the design phase, as we believe we might use this within AeHIN in the near future.
Are there chances to join in via video to any of the specific topic meetings at the OpenMRS meeting. Can you send me a pointer to a programme or set of topics to be discussed? (And dates and times). I’m afraid I only subscribe to a very few topics on this Talk site, and missed the announcement of a meeting.
Reading your post really made my Monday, @keithduddy - in part because it’s so rare to hear from folks helping keep our docs up to date! Thank you so much and keep it up!!
That’s lovely to hear @grace … We only cleaned up a few FHIR Resource descriptions, some time back. But we’d like to re-engage soon, and would like to bring on board some people from collaborators & clients who might help a little more than that (perhaps with coding and documentation). FIngers crosssed.
Casey, what is this exactly? A display of an inbound IPS document, or what an IPS view would look like inside of O3 before it was exported? Also, how are medications going to be summarized?
Looking good!
So, we have built out the mechanism for querying a source (In our use case, this is a HAPI FHIR server), which is providing an IPS coded patient summary. So that’s the ingestion part of things, and this could be pointed at wherever an SHR is set up in the HIE, and then we have created some views to nicely display all the sections of the IPS in a user friendly way.
Regarding medication history, we know that the OpenMRS data is incomplete, though I know @samuel34 has been working on building that bit of functionality. So, in this case, we may not get a ton of data from OMRS, but if we have data from other systems, it will display as it should in OMRS now.
I’ll upload a demo video and share a link just after this post.
Here you can see a live demo of the functionality above. It will be in a PR to O3 once we get the refresh to happen automatically. Once downloaded, the IPS displays in the way the screenshots above show.
Amazing… I wonder whether we should bring in the IPS entirely, or provide a reconciliation workflow where the physician has to approve elements of the IPS to be incorporated into the EHR. I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t keep the IPS as a JSON and display it purely as a summary received from somewhere else (but not add conditions, allergies, etc. to the patient’s record). I’d like to understand more about the coding aspects as I would have thought that OpenMRS could create an IPS including medications without any trouble (as the medications are primarily text in the basic IPS). I would have hoped that we’d have more standardization than most and could provide a more fully functional IPS.
Currently, we’re integrating it into a separate view, called “Patient History” (although that name is subject to change) which only includes data from the IPS, so it’s not directly integrated. This also helps with the fact that we can’t rely on the IPS to have structured data elements.
Medication-wise, the main constraint is that OpenMRS really only captures medications that are ordered in the EMR so, it doesn’t capture anything about patient-reported medications. For the IPS, this may not be much of an issue. We also don’t really (currently) have an API that can do medication de-duplication, so the “previous medications” list (built naïvely, like the one we have in the RefApp) will capture all expired prescriptions.