Integrating Emergency Severity Index (ESI) Frameworks into the OpenMRS Vitals Form

The current Vitals form uses custom input fields to record patients’ vital signs and biometrics. Whilst these fields provide useful feedback on abnormal or dangerous readings, this approach lacks sustainability as it relies on a custom form that deviates from all other forms created using the OpenMRS Form Engine.

Recently, we’ve been designing a more sustainable solution intended to be built using the OpenMRS form engine. Our proposal aims to:

  • Utilise the existing OpenMRS form engine (with potential enhancements)
  • Preserve the functionality offered by the current (custom) vitals input fields
  • Create design patterns allowing implementers to integrate Emergency Severity Index Frameworks, such as the South African Triage System, the Interagency Integrated Triage Tool (WHO), or the Manchester Triage System.

We’ve created a prototype demonstrating this concept, which you can view here.

We’re keen to gauge the OpenMRS community’s interest in this feature. Please share your questions, comments, or feedback below this post.

In this 2-min video you can see an overview of the experience.

cc @PIH @Mekom @grace @dkigen @jteich @burke

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thanks in advance, Ciarán and @pauladams


It looks pretty clear and straightforward to me. The marker shown in the video for abnormal entries looks clear enough and immediate enough.


@cduffy and @pauladams - Just wanted to drop a late comment here that this is a great development! Both an initiative to make the vitals form configurable by implementations via the form engine and a mechanism to support configurable triage scales are really useful features to enable us to move more fully onto O3. These are definitely features we would be keen to stay involved with at PIH. @mogoodrich / @ddesimone / @ball / @fiona / @cioan / @chibongho1 FYI