Installation Problem Bahmni on CentOS 6.7

Hi Techies

I’m new to Bahmni and installing it on centos 6.7 as per mentioned in wiki getting some and getting some error: []

Could anyone please provide me a running script


@sandeepdhanjal Did you try the steps mentioned here?

It asks you to set the environment variable, download the script, give it execute permission, and run it. Which steps did you run? And what error are you seeing? Can you attach a screenshot please.

Dear Gurpreet,

please have look below:

but prevous i was trying bahmni on Centos 7 now that was different but now this one


Sandep Dhanjal

The file should contains the following:

Please execute the following command to see what is contained in the file:



just installed the Bahmni successfully by following instructions from mentioned link but unable to access thru browser giving error

Unable to fetch locations please reload the page.

While checking, found that Openmrs service is not running its stopping unexceptionally after restarting couple of times

Please suggest something


hi Sandeepdhanjal

First make sure that your mysql database is installed and all the tables are imported. Then open table locations in mysql table and check the locations are not empty. I personally had to install Mysql workbench to check the tables. then

if it dosent work then

After that refresh your page or open in new tab asvsiggested abouve


Have done as per your instructions but same problem is there

Openmrs service isn’t getting start

Openerp, MySQL and another services are working fine

Plz advice me



Is your browser url on https or http? I know this sounds like a small issue, but I had to configure apache so that the url is http then I did the steps I mentioned above. Most importantly don’t forget to open bahmni home in a different tab and refresh that tab.

To change apache config to http, navigate to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf comment out any ssl line and save then perform the seps above to clear openmrs cache and restart all services.

Hope this helps.

Dear Saif,

My browser is working on https when I’m trying to access bahmni on http it redirtects to secure port. I’ve reinstall everything and Openmrs service is running but still unable to access openmrs on port 8080.All services are running well oodo is running fine. I think the problem is somewhere in Apache configuration.

please help to let me sort out this

Thanks[quote=“juniorswash, post:8, topic:4888, full:true”] Hi

Is your browser url on https or http? I know this sounds like a small issue, but I had to configure apache so that the url is http then I did the steps I mentioned above. Most importantly don’t forget to open bahmni home in a different tab and refresh that tab.

To change apache config to http, navigate to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf comment out any ssl line and save then perform the seps above to clear openmrs cache and restart all services.

Hope this helps. [/quote]

Are you still getting unable to fetch locations?

check under /opt/openmrs/modules how many modules you have.

If you have edited ssl.conf then also edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and change the file at the bottom of the page under <virtualhost *:80>

there is a line like Rewrite (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URL}

change it to Rewrite (.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URL}

then restart all services starting with mysql.

this worked for me after i edited ssl.conf

just a question did you remove everything before reinstalling again?

If all fails you can do this

  1. remove everything or make a clean install of cent 6.7
  2. after install is complete run this in terminal yum update *
  3. then install httpd i.e yum install httpd
  4. then perform this step line by line or as block by block don’t forget to export BAHMNI_VERSION=0.79 before you do yum install -y bahmni-emr-BAHMNI_VERSION line

Hope this can be a last resort if all fails



  1. Check if there is a process running under port 8080

[root@localhost vagrant]# sudo fuser 8080/tcp 8080/tcp: 2243

  1. Confirm if this process is the same as openmrs

[root@localhost vagrant]# ps -ef | grep 2243 bahmni 2243 1 54 09:02 ? 00:02:35 /usr/java/jre1.7.0_79/bin/java -jar -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m /opt/openmrs/lib/openmrs.jar

  1. Try stopping the firewall, just in case that is the problem.

sudo service iptables stop

  1. Try http://ip:8080/openmrs on the browser. You can login with admin/test or superman. Check if all the modules are running.

  2. If none of this provides a pointer to the problem, lets chat over irc - Kiwi IRC

@sandeepdhanjal Is openmrs ui working? Recently I faced similar problem, and it was because of the missing omod. (Bacteriology omod.) The bahmni core omod has a dependency on this, and it will not start. If this is the case, you need to put bacteriology omod in the omods directory.

@sandeepe @gsluthra Not openmrs is not accessible service is running fine.

Could you please give link of bacteriology omod

Dear Saif,

I’ve no mods in that folder

I think my problem is same as you, what edits have you done in ssl.conf?.

could you please share?


Your openmrs doesn’t have any modules installed in it. I would suggest you re-install openmrs.

Modules in OpenMRS are basically jar files, with an “.omod” extension, and are stored in the vagrant box in the following location: /opt/openmrs/modules

This is how my 0.79 vagrant box looks:

So, I’d suggest you remove and re-install openmrs if you don’t see any modules there.

@gsluthra bahmni-emr package has to be installed to get all modules required.

So, I guess the commands would be:

yum remove bahmni-emr
yum install bahmni-emr-0.79

hi sandeepdhanjal

am sorry i took so long, have been unwell.

Well the best solution is like the way the community says, please reinstall openmrs,

but I would suggest reinstall the entire system, but please uninstall everything first then start with httpd install then proceed with bahmni installation.
