In patient medicine and vitals check administration records log

During the same encounter “session”, you do not get a “new” form as such. This is done intentionally - so that within an encounter session, the providers have the ability of modifying the same data, so that this is not considered as a new entry/encounter.

You can achieve your feature

  • a different provider will get a new form (respecting the logic of encounter session per provider)
  • make the encounter session smaller. for that modify the global property ( bahmni.encountersession.duration) - menu / admin / settings / bahmni => Encountersession Duration - enter time in minutes.

Bahmni forms are not of different types as of yet - like intake form, progressive intake form etc. If the same provider wants to capture fresh data using the same form within the same “Session”, then we would rather achieve this by building characteristics of “intake form”.

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