@theprateek Oh sorry! Kindly share the entire error log in your terminal using pastebin.com
Hi @jwnasambu! This is the entire error log.
Am sorry for a bother! Kindly do you mind sharing the entire error log (from the command you ran till the last line of the output) using pastebin?
Sure sure. Here it is. Can you review? @jwnasambu
Please help me to set this up. @ibacher @kdaud @jwnasambu . I really want to make some improvements to this sdk. But because of this errors I am unable to start. I have been trying to setup the whole system for more than a week.
sorry about this bad ordeal @theprateek , your troubles on that particular test that is failing seem to be pointing to openmrs-sdk/SpaInstallerTest.java at 940994d1bddab45ea88a02bd0aa760bf891cdad5 · openmrs/openmrs-sdk · GitHub where it either doesn’t pick the file in question or the file doesn’t exist.
could you confirm in your local directory if you have something like this /test-tmp? or server1 in that folder?
i guess its a setup issue on your end because the test passes here SDK-300 - Frontend builds should allow one to configure node and npm … · openmrs/openmrs-sdk@940994d · GitHub and i have just done a local setup to confirm and its successful on my end.
did you successfully setup java and maven?
Can you please tell me the whole procedure that you have followed? Documentation of installing this SDK is a bit confusing. Please tell me in the perspective of mac operating system if possible. Thank you. @mherman22
After cloning, all i did was mvn clean install
Is that what you’re asking or you wanna setup the sdk locally and have an openmrs instance? if so then OpenMRS SDK - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki works for me always.
Thanks for the reply. I think I am facing the problem because of the incompatible version of Maven and Java. Can you please look into it? I want to ask you want version of Maven and java you are using.
This is my Maven and Java version.
Apache Maven 3.6.3
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
openjdk version "1.8.0_352"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_352-8u352-ga-1~22.04-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.352-b08, mixed mode)
Ok thank you. I will try to examine with this version system.
Thank you @mherman22 This is the entire log.
Awesome !!
I find this issue interesting and I want to review the code. Issue Link: https://issues.openmrs.org/projects/TRUNK/issues/TRUNK-6049?filter=allopenissues. So should I use Crucible to review the code or I should follow the convention way with github. Also the patch file is not given in the attachment of this issue. Since Crucible needs patch file to be uploaded . @ibacher @mherman22 @jwnasambu @kdaud
Oh sorry for the late response! I believe this link will be of great help. Code Review Checklist - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki
No need to say sorry. I understood, weekend was there. Ok I will go through the document.
I will be having exam in my college till 27th April. After my exam ends I will again explore the beautiful code base of OpenMRS SDK and will try to accomplish my goals.
Thank you.