Improve Documentation for New Developers - a survey (draft)

Hi @herbert24, @jennifer @jnsereko

I’ve come up with a survey for new developers to fill in. It’s a balancing act between keeping it reasonably short so that it won’t take up too much time for people to fill out, and gathering meaningful information.

Please let me what are your thoughts.



This looks like a very useful survey, and I hope you get some thoughtful answers! Would love to see what the results are, especially for onboarding times. I wonder if doing that as a multiple choice answer with time blocks (1 week, 2-4 weeks, 1 to some numbers of months) would make visualizing that easier on you!


@madhens Thanks for the input. You are right, multiple-choice might be better for this question.

Answers that require less work to analyze are always a good choice. Glad the input was useful!

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@rainbow thanks for working on this,it is a great start.When can you also be available so that we pick up on a call for a few minutes

Hi @herbert24, I have sometime after tomorrow after the weekly documentation call. Does that work for you?

ohh yes sure it will work

@herbert24 You want to meet tomorrow at Aug 12th 11:00 am (EST)? Or is it today?

yes tomorrow that time will work

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I’ve incorporated suggestions from @herbert24, @madhens, and @insookwa 's suggestions and input to the draft. Thanks, everyone! :slightly_smiling_face:

Will send it out early next week.