Implementing openerp data synchronization back to openmrs/bahmni

Hello, We are implementing our EMR using Bahmni, and one of the requirement is to handle billing, to my knowledge on bahmni we are using OPENERP to handle billing of medicines and services. On our requirement in some scenario we have to restrict Client/Patient to be given service until he/she has paid for that service. But currently in Bahmni there is synchronization from OPENMRS to OPENERP but there is no synchronization from OPENERP to OPENMRS, so there is no way to know if Client/Patient has already paid for service on the OPENMRS or BAHMNI

Asking if anyone from the community has faced the same challenge and if so what solution was used to face this.

Our idea is to implement this feature because it is MUST HAVE requirement for us, so even if we can get guidelines or experience on this will be very helpful.