As we prepare for the upcoming OpenMRS24 Conference, we are looking to create a list of ideas, topic or projects that would be worked on during the 1 and 1/2 day hackathon period.
Kindly share any ideas, issues/challenges or project that you would want to work on with fellow attendees. You can also vote for ideas that you support by commenting or liking.
One session you definitely should expect is the Hackathon (hack marathon).
This is a reminder to all OpenMRS hackers to share any/all projects that you or your team wants to see hacked(cleared completely or completely cleared ), something the community will be benefited to work on at OMRS24.
Reply in this thread with your proposal or suggestion. For clarity, it would do well to indicate the following;
Skills the working team would need, Collaborators etc
The most voted (If we have to ) proposals will be sloted in for the #OMRS24Hackathon
Auto-generated TypeScript REST client using Swagger
In O3, client side relies heavily on REST calls to fetch data from the server. However, most of these calls are constructed manually, by crafting URL strings and params to pass into fetch or openmrsFetch. This results in ad-hoc type definitions of these calls, along with the data types that they expect / return, that are sometimes incomplete, duplicated or inconsistent.
The server-side REST module already auto-generates a swagger.json file specifying the REST endpoints. This file is used for generating Swagger docs (see it on dev3 here). We should be able to use swagger-codegen to also auto-generate TypeScript client and data types for our REST calls, which should elimiate the need to manually construct REST API calls on the client side. . For example, the GET /patient/{uuid} endpoint can result in the auto-generated code like this:
Then, to fetch a patient on the client side, and get proper typing for it, we just do this:
const patient = await REST.getPatient(uuid);
Some things to consider:
The TypeScript generation itself is probably the easy part. The harder part will be to figure out how to set up our build system to publish / import the generated typescript onto the client side. Ideally, our solution should work for all REST endpoints / server modules in the refapp, and also easily adoptable for other server modules that are included in other implemenations.
We will need to improve the swagger typings for this feature to be more useful. For example the v= represenation parameter is defined as enum('default', 'full', 'custom'), which is not completely correct as custom should take in additional string.
This can reduce the boiler-plate code required to define REST calls and their corresponding data types on the client side, improving the overall O3 developer experience.
Skills required:
knowledge of Swagger docs
knowledge of server-side resources and endpoints to improve typings
knowledge of server-side and client-side build / publish process.