ID Dashboard 2.1 improvements GSoC 2015

I am starting this thread so that I can track things easier.

@plypy, I messaged you earlier this week on Skype, but I want to try to encourage more open communication and so that the community can see your work and progress.

Beginning on Friday, May 29th, I would like (in addition to your regular blog posts) the following:

Every Friday (if that doesn’t work for you – pick a day that works and just be consistent. This is meant to help keep you on track and catch problems before they get bad):

  1. What you did for the week
  2. What problems did you encounter, are there any blockers to your progress?
  3. What do you plan the following week

Guidelines for the above: Use bullet points and be brief, but give me a decent idea of what you did, plan to and whatever problems you’re having.

Don’t wait until the end of the week if a problem pops up…Don’t hesitate to contact me…I prefer public though.

As I mentioned on our previous thread, aim for feature branches per ticket, we can adjust if things pop up – this isn’t set in stone.

Midterm eval milestones: Final eval milestones:


Thanks for your kindly reminders, I’ll certainly stick to these items.

No Problem! – Hope your first day of coding goes well.