How to upload Pin code Base Address Hierarchy

Steps for Pin Base Address Hierarchy as follow

Step 1: Open putty in that put command: mysql -uroot -ppassword for 0.91 and for beta 0.92 openmrs it will open to mysql in that put: show table;

        the tables will be displayed.

Step 2: Now open address_hierarchy_level by command

        select * from address_hierarchy_level;

        you will see the id 3,4 of pin code, location taluka

Step 3: Now delete the pin code, location, address1 (Note that do not delete state) commands to delete

       delete from address_hierarchy_entry where level_id=4(your id);

Step 4: Now just upload the file in address hierarchy in which is attached below and delimiter put (,) and select overwrite existing checkbox.PIN District and State - Maharashtra (1).csv (43.3 KB)

Step 5: Now Check whether it is upload to Maharashtra or any CSV of pin code base on your location it’s done.