How to sync from EMR to ERP faster?

Hi team, I got an issue and i need support please:

When selecting lab orders and press “Save”, these orders take up to 1 min delay to get displayed in OpenERP. However, the sync is instant to OpenElis.

Is there a way i could speed up the sync to openERP and make it lower than 1 min? Same thing for drug orders, I added the “Open Quotation” button to the drug selection page and I have to refresh openerp a couple of times in order to have the drugs added to the patient’s openerp bill.

I was looking at the “” file and I was wondering if there is any parameter and I would change and which services I should restart to apply my modifications.

Thanks team

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I was also looking at the file openERPFeedServiceContext.xml I still do not understand why when you create a new patient in EMR, it is instantly created in openerp while there is a HUGE delay to have the lab orders in openERP. Anyone?? @gsluthra @angshuonline @dkayiwa @ibewes @slubwama1 @slubwama

I think the configuration to trigger is here but it appears same for all types of jobs. So may have to check when the entry is made in Lab for more details

Thanks @binduak and @ramashish, you are my hero. before, i was modifying the XML file (openERPFeedServiceContext.xml) and restarting the bahmni-erp-connect service but nothing happens. But after modifying directly the quartz table in postgre, changes are reflected.

Thousands thanks from Canada

Hi @albertadam, I have changed cron_statement and start_delay columns of the saleOrderFeedJobTrigger cronjob as shown in below screenshot. After the change I could see the sync of the lab orders to ERP took less than a minute. You can find the cron job in quartz_cron_scheduler table in openerp database.

you can change the cronjob as per your requirement. Hope this helps.

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Hello @binduak,

I have tried your way still it’s performing slow. Kindly have a look to how my quartz_cron_scheduler table

openerp=# select * from quartz_cron_scheduler; id | name | cron_statement | start_delay | enabled ----±--------------------------------------±----------------±------------±--------

1 | customerFeedJobTrigger | 0/15 * * * * ? | 60000 | t

2 | customerFeedfailedJobTrigger | 0 0/1 * * * ? | 60000 | t

4 | referenceDataFeedJobTrigger | 0 0/5 * * * ? | 60000 | t

8 | openelisSaleOrderFeedJobTrigger | 0 0/1 * * * ? | 60000 | f

9 | openelisSaleOrderFeedFailedJobTrigger | 0 0/5 * * * ? | 60000 | f

5 | referenceDataFeedFailedJobTrigger | 0/20 * * * * ? | 60000 | t

7 | saleOrderFeedFailedJobTrigger | 0 0/5 * * * ? | 60000 | t

3 | eventRecordsNumberOffsetMarkerTrigger | 0 0 0 1/1 * ? * | 60000 | t

6 | saleOrderFeedJobTrigger | * * * * * ? | 0 | t

(9 rows)

Dear @albertadam, I have the same problem. Can you please tell me exactly what you did with openERPFeeServiceContnt.xml file? , I I have tried changed directly the SaleOrderFeedJobTrigger in quartz_cron_scheduler table but it doesn’t help. Thanks in advance.