How to Register New Drugs in OPENMRS with Additional Attributes

Hi All,

I am registering new drugs in OpenMRS (table drug) and I have a mandatory drug attribute in the context of my health system in Mozambique. I would like to know if is there any way to add this attribute since I have not found any entity model like drug_attribute

First, CIEL distributes a WHO EDL version of the drug table. I would want to include any of the base drugs and formulations. I cannot include any additional attributes but we are discussing concept flags (where attributes would be on the ingredients) but if this is on the drug formulations, we would need to discuss. I also want to be able to associate a drug entry with a reference map (not just concepts).

@minoneves there is not drug_attribute table in the OpenMRS data model, though you would be welcome to add this in Platform 2.2!

What sort of attributes are you trying to capture?