I managed to figure out how to customize the registration app to look like this:
However, when creating a new user, none of the new fields get added to the database. I’m not terribly surprised this isn’t happening because I figured I would need to do something with the database, but I have no idea how to connect a new column in a table with Phone Number2, for example.
- How do I connect this information?
- And just to check in advance, where in the UI can this new custom information be viewed?
- Can this custom information be edited?
For reference, below is my custom registration app JSON. I’m on OpenMRS WAR Version: 2.2.0 Build ab94ff. Registration App Module 1.13.0, Registration Core Module 1.8.0.
"id": "referenceapplication.registrationapp.customReg",
"instanceOf": "registrationapp.registerPatient",
"label": "Register Patient",
"description": "Create a new Patient Record",
"extensions": [
"id": "referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient.homepageLink",
"extensionPointId": "org.openmrs.referenceapplication.homepageLink",
"type": "link",
"label": "referenceapplication.app.registerPatient.label",
"url": "registrationapp/registerPatient.page?appId=referenceapplication.registrationapp.customReg",
"icon": "icon-user",
"order": 1,
"requiredPrivilege": "App: registrationapp.registerPatient"
"config": {
"afterCreatedUrl": "/coreapps/clinicianfacing/patient.page?patientId={{patientId}}",
"sections": [
"id": "contactInfo",
"label": "registrationapp.patient.contactInfo.label",
"questions": [
"legend": "Person.address",
"fields": [
"type": "personAddress",
"label": "registrationapp.patient.address.question",
"widget": {
"providerName": "uicommons",
"fragmentId": "field/personAddress"
"legend": "Phone Number1",
"id": "phoneNumberLabel1",
"fields": [
"type": "personAttribute",
"label": "What's the patient's primary phone number?",
"formFieldName": "phoneNumber1",
"uuid": "14d4f066-15f5-102d-96e4-000c29c2a5d7",
"widget": {
"providerName": "uicommons",
"fragmentId": "field/text"
"cssClasses": [
"legend": "Phone Number2",
"id": "phoneNumberLabel2",
"fields": [
"type": "personAttribute",
"label": "What's the patient's secondary phone number?",
"formFieldName": "phoneNumber2",
"uuid": "0214d4ed-d37c-45b9-b81e-4330d9af4905",
"widget": {
"providerName": "uicommons",
"fragmentId": "field/text"
"cssClasses": [
"legend": "Email",
"id": "email",
"fields": [
"type": "personAttribute",
"label": "What's the patient's email address?",
"formFieldName": "email",
"uuid": "01dff993-b1c3-4373-ab99-75eabf1420c1",
"widget": {
"providerName": "uicommons",
"fragmentId": "field/text"
"cssClasses": [
"id": "relationships-info",
"label": "registrationapp.person.relationship",
"questions": [
"legend": "registrationapp.person.relationship.label",
"header": "registrationapp.person.relationship.question",
"fields": [
"type": "personRelationships",
"widget": {
"providerName": "registrationapp",
"fragmentId": "field/personRelationship"
"id": "emergencyContact",
"label": "Emergency Contact",
"questions": [
"legend": "Name",
"id": "emergencyContactName",
"fields": [
"type": "personAttribute",
"label": "What is the patient's emergency contact's name?",
"formFieldName": "emergencyContactName",
"uuid": "78359628-f652-4679-844d-100373ffd392",
"widget": {
"providerName": "uicommons",
"fragmentId": "field/text"
"legend": "Phone Number",
"fields": [
"type": "emergencyContactPhoneNumber",
"label": "What is the patient's emergency contact's phone number?",
"formFieldName": "emergencyContactPhoneNumber",
"uuid": "e80d0801-cd07-45a6-b401-90e405e9f897",
"widget": {
"providerName": "uicommons",
"fragmentId": "field/text"
"cssClasses": [