You once shared something that lists all open pull requests under openmrs on github. Can you remind me what it was?
Or does any one else have such a tool?
You once shared something that lists all open pull requests under openmrs on github. Can you remind me what it was?
Or does any one else have such a tool?
You can get it via a Github REST APIs Details here: https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#list-pull-requests
Put this on the search box: is:open is:pr user:openmrs
With url format: https://github.com/pulls?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+user%3Aopenmrs
Lluis, that is exactly what i was looking for! Thanks man!!!
Yousef, thanks too for the alternative!
Sorry for taking so long to respond…
Hahahaha. Though it gives me a blank page.
But anyway, i ended up using what Lluis suggested: is:open is:pr
BTW the url to list all PRs is also mentioned here https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/Community+Development+Swim+Lane
Try reloading it at the original URL (removing any “/#/…” added by Angular). It needs OAuth to GitHub (just access to public information on your behalf), since anonymous calls are rate limited. If you still can’t get it to work, let me know what error(s) you’re seeing in Chrome’s console.
While github’s list is good for day-to-day use, the Angular app adds a few bits, like average lifespan of pull requests shown and highlights pull requests with unanswered comments (i.e., last comment by person who submitted the pull request), which may be helpful in curating.
Please leave the id dashboard PR alone
Also, @burke, you inspire me…you’re brilliant!