How to correctly create the 'addressConfiguration.xml' config for the 'Address Hierarchy'

Hi all Please tell me how to correctly create the ‘addressConfiguration.xml’ config for the ‘Address Hierarchy’ module so that only 4 fields are displayed (Country - City - Street - House number) - there are no fields (Street and House number) in the delivery module. Also, how to create the ‘addresshierarchy.csv’ directory for these fields? And also how to correctly make translations for different languages for new fields?

Are you trying to configure Address Hierarchy fields in the 2.x RefApp, or 3.x RefApp, or Bahmni?

This might be helpful, especially if your distribution is using the Initializer Module as well: openmrs-module-initializer/readme/ at master · mekomsolutions/openmrs-module-initializer · GitHub

Otherwise - have you already seen these resources:

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