How to add/remove fragments from dashboard & link forms

Hi @ssmusoke,

I am assuming that you are referring to coreapp’s first column fragments and second column fragments from …/webapp/pages/clinicianfacing/patient.gsp? If yes, see below.

1. Add a fragment to the dashboard

patient.gsp’s controller fetches extensions whose extensionPointId are either "patientDashboard.firstColumnFragments" or "patientDashboard.secondColumnFragments" to then dispatch them in the appropriate part of the view.

This is for example how the allergy widget is brought in on the left column by openmrs-module-allergyui:

    "id": "${project.parent.groupId}.${project.parent.artifactId}.patientDashboard.secondColumnFragments",
    "extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.secondColumnFragments",
    "extensionParams": {
        "provider": "${project.parent.artifactId}",
        "fragment": "allergies"

2. Remove a fragment from the dashboard

As pointed by @darius back in the days when we asked, the easiest is to disable the extension that you don’t want to see anymore. You could have somewhere in an activator:

AppFrameworkService service = Context.getService(AppFrameworkService.class);

Do you mean how to customise the overall actions menu that is on the right hand side?

If yes, then I believe your HFE forms should show up as soon as there is an active visit.