How to add new section in patient registration form ?

Hi, I was trying to setup bahmni. I want to add a new section like Additional Patient Information in Patient registration form and also i want to remove some fields like tehsil, Gram Panchayath and all.

How can i achieve these two ??

Thanks and Regards

To Add new Section in Registration page we need to do following steps

  1. We need to edit cd /var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/app.json
  2. The section “additionalPatientInformation” must be under " config" and " patientInformation"

“config” : {

        "patientInformation": {
            "additionalPatientInformation": {
                "title": "Additional Patient Information",
                "attributes": [


NB: Here (“distanceFromCenter”, “isUrban”, “cluster”, “RationCard”) attributes will have created as personAttributeType from openmrs(Manage Person Attribute Types) before adding in the config file. Unrecognized field “label” (Class org.openmrs.module.registrationapp.model.Question), not marked as ignorable

getting this error while adding one more column in patient register

@rakib i’ve made these changes, but nothing happened. Even i tried to rename existing one and it is not working also.

Hey @rakib, Did you tried this solution for config?